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Thor Benander

Thor is the Editor-in-Chief of The Gist and a father of four. He's a lover of ancient history, Greek food and sports. He misses traveling and thinks that if libraries were the center of American society, many things would improve overnight. You can hit him up at [email protected].


This has been a hellacious year, but we’ve still managed to eek out some memorable sports moments, be they enbubbled or no. For sports...


Saturday Night Live takes a lot of flak. Sketches either aren’t edgy enough or they’re too edgy and all of them run too long....


When we last left the crew of the Rocinante, they had once again saved humanity from the existential threat that was the red vapor...


Anti hero. Merriam Webster defines it as: “a protagonist or notable figure who is conspicuously lacking in heroic qualities.” But the term has come...


How quickly can we get from Kristen Bell to Tom Cruise in the Plex Mediaverse? Let’s see! Okay so let’s start with Kristen Bell...


Okay, you know the game, you know the rules, and you know the stakes! (There aren’t any.) I’m going to give you an actor...


It’s been more than twenty years since I visited Italy in person and lately I’ve felt an itch to return. It’s an easy place...


Welcome back to Name That Flick! Let’s see if you can get today’s movie…we’re going to start out with Robert Downey Jr. Aaaaand let’s...


Welcome to Name That Flick! We’ll give you the cast and you try to guess the film. Ready? Let’s go. 1. Charlize Theron Hmmm…what...


I was eating french fries when I stumbled across the show Secret Eaters on Plex. It frames itself with kind of a sweet, caring...