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How quickly can we get from Kristen Bell to Tom Cruise in the Plex Mediaverse? Let’s see! Okay so let’s start with Kristen Bell...


Okay, you know the game, you know the rules, and you know the stakes! (There aren’t any.) I’m going to give you an actor...


Welcome back to Name That Flick! Let’s see if you can get today’s movie…we’re going to start out with Robert Downey Jr. Aaaaand let’s...


Welcome to Name That Flick! We’ll give you the cast and you try to guess the film. Ready? Let’s go. 1. Charlize Theron Hmmm…what...


This Name That Flick is probably going to test you a little bit. The movie we’re looking for is a little outside the public...


I was blissfully traipsing through the Plex Mediaverse the other day, wondering what I’d write about and I stumbled across my favorite movie. Bull...


Remember the 90s? Blasting grunge music and lamenting the false promise of the 80s? Eddie Vedder stumbling into cliffside parties and freaking out on...


Welcome to Name That Flick! We’ll give you the cast and you try to guess the film. Ready? Let’s go. 1. Keanu Reeves Bill...